Friday, February 7, 2014

Five on Friday: Blog Recap Edition

Happy Friday friends!  This week had made it official, I am totally over winter weather.  Can't we just bring on spring and flip flops?  Too bad mother nature is threatening another taste of winter weather next week.

I am linking up with Liz, Christina, Natasha and Darci for Five on Friday!  Enjoy friends!

I decided this week I am going to post my Five favorite posts from my blog up to this point.  This will be a random assortment from the past few years.  Hopefully you will enjoy seeing a little bit more into the life of Brooke!

{O N E}
I wrote this blog a couple of months after my 30th birthday and it commemorated a big event for me...getting a tattoo!

{T W O}
Second Time Was a Blast
Third time I fell in love!  Well friends this was a post about my 30 year old experience at the NKOTB concert!  So much fun and led to 2 more times of seeing them as an adult!  Hope they put you in a trance with a funky song! :)

{T H R E E}
Least Favorite Words
If you have known me for any length of time you know there are certain words I am just not a fan of.  Here is an important post to clue you in on some of those!

{F O U R}
Encouraging Words
I love words and love when other people's words really speak to my heart!  This post is all about that!

{F I V E}
Tag You are It!
This post is a get to know you post from a long time ago,  but for you new readers you will get to know a little bit more about me!  Enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed this really random Five on Friday post!  What is your favorite blog post you have shared?  And don't forget to leave a sweet comment, that is my favorite! :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I am off to an impromptu girls weekend in Asheville!  Happy Weekend friends!

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