Sunday, February 23, 2014

DIY Instagram Wall

Today was a beautiful day.  The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and it was a perfect day to spend some time in my favorite corner of my house!  I love my little craft nook!

So in my house I had this one wall that has been bare for forever.  I just never got around to adding pictures or other accessories to it.  Do you have walls like that in your house?  I knew it needed something and I also knew I had been wanting to do a gallery wall with some of my Instagram photos.  Put those two things together and I had a craft project for today!

I headed out to one of my favorite spots, Michaels, to grab the supplies.  I bought 9 of these $1.00 frames.  Yes friends, $1.00!  Did I mention that this project was going to be cheap?

While at Michaels I picked up some acrylic paint that was on sale to add a little color to these bad boys. I knew they needed color but I wasn't quite sure what I wanted so I picked up some gray and white paint.  At home, I mixed up what I think is the perfect gray to go on my bare yellow wall!

It only took me about 30 minutes to paint the frames.  I only did one coat of paint because I wanted them to look a little distressed.  I even went over some of the edges with some sandpaper.  I didn't want them to look too perfect.  After painting them, it was time to pick the pictures that I would use in the frames.  This was the by far the hardest part, I have so many great Instagram photos of family and friends.  Good thing I can switch the photos out!

After picking the pictures and getting them trimmed for the frames, I did something I never do.  I actually planned that the wall would look like.  Normally I am a throw the frames up on the wall kinda gal.  But I wanted this to actually look good! :) I measured and hung pieces of paper to help me plan the wall design.  I went for a 3 x 3 design.  I just placed the squares on the wall with tape so they would be easy to remove when I put the frames on the wall.  

Finally it was time to add my frames.  Do you use Command strips?  Those things are my best friend. They are the easiest way to hang things on your walls and don't peel the paint when they are removed.  I used one strip on the back of each frame and they were so easy to hang!  Here is a close up of one of the frames and one of my favorite pictures from our holiday family photo shoot!

I mixed in all the different filters I use for my Instagram photos.  I wasn't sure how I would feel about that, but I love the way it turned out!  

Here is the final result! I really love it.  I love that it is simple, colorful and includes so many of the people that I love!  I think it will be easy to switch out the photos from time to time.  The best part of this project was that it was super easy and super affordable.  By the time I bought frames, paint, command strips and had the pictures printed, I was able to do this whole project for less than $20.  

How do you display your Instagram photos?  Have a great week friends!

1 comment:

  1. These turned out so cute! I just love instagram and how the pics turn out. Very lovely.


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