Monday, October 1, 2012

31 days of Encouragment about a blog vacation.  Do you ever go through those spells where you just don't feel like what you have to say would be anything anyone else would want to hear?  Well, it has been that year for this girl.  And if you look back at my blog, you will notice that I tried to get back into the habit this time of year last year.  What makes this year different you ask?  Well, I have decided to be a bit more gracious with myself.  Hoping that will free me up to be able to share honestly and openly on this blog.  Because that is my heart. ease back into the blogging world, I am going to link up with The Nester's 31 day challenge.  And to be even more gracious to myself, I am going to blog 31 days of encouragement.  This might be someone else's encouraging words, a way to encourage others, a way someone has encouraged me...who knows really.  But it is my hope and prayer that I can stick with it for these 31 days and beyond...

Today I will share some words that encouraged me...hope they bring some encouragement to your heart on this first day of October!

Be encouraged friends...and leave some love or encouragement if you stop by!


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