Monday, October 3, 2011


Do you ever read something and think it was written just for you? That some random person out in the blog world, has found a way into your heart and mind and is writing about a little piece of your life? Today, this happened to me.

I read about this idea that sometime our lives are full of these boulders, boulders so big that we feel trapped in the shadows. And these boulders are so massive that we feel like we will never be able to step out from behind them. In my life, one of these boulders is certainly AVOIDANCE!

Please tell me I am not the only one that has ever felt trapped by avoiding. When I feel trapped by this particular boulder, I hear voices saying things like this:

avoid truths about myself: my health, my weight, my finances, my job, my calling
avoid relationships: with my family, close friends, those who I am just getting to know, those who I think are not like me
avoid that empty feeling in my heart that has been there since my daddy died,
avoid really coming to grips with who the Lord has made me and really starting to love that person

So here is the truth, I am an avoider. Not something I am proud of and certainly not what the Lord has for me, but where I find myself so often. Praying that through this journey of truth, I will begin to look these things I avoid right in the face and embrace them instead of cowering behind that boulder.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw these two posts... Which is remarkable considering the email I sent you this morning, no? Definitely God. Love you!


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